Chook Manor

Airlyte Cardboard Chips 100L


Airlyte cardboard chips 100L bag (approx 18-20kg)

Used for a huge variety of animals from horses through to small pets.

The cardboard is stripped of tape and staples, then “cross-shredded”  into tiny pieces, dust is removed and packaged into bags. 

Airlyte is popular internationally, with horse owners right through to people who keep small pets, and the product has found favour with top level dressage riders.

Unlike traditional sawdust or straw bedding, cardboard is dust-free making it healthier for animals & humans assisting to negate respiratory problems caused from dust. It also absorbs liquid and smells (reduced ammonia) and is springy to stand on which is easier on the animal's legs. A great thing about Airlyte when used as Animal Bedding is it becomes doubly perfect for disposal into the compost or on the garden as mulch. With sawdust & straw etc becoming more difficult to obtain, and expensive to buy Airlyte provides an environmentally friendly alternative! There is no shortage of raw material for shredding to create our environmentally beneficial multi purpose product…