Hen health is an important topic all-year round but, with autumn now showing its colours and the days beginning to draw it, it’s especially important to pay even close attention to your feathered friends’ needs during this season.
Soft-shell eggs
One health issue which can occur during autumn is soft shell eggs, when calcium is sometimes diverted away from the egg production process and towards re-growing feathers lost during a molt.

Often leathery, and pliable, soft shell eggs have a thin layer of shell surrounding the yolk and egg whites, not dissimilar to a water balloon. There are several causes to be aware of:
- As mentioned, there may be a lack of calcium in your hen’s diet, meaning she is not able to form a solid egg shell. A balanced diet is vital to avoid the condition so your hens eat enough calcium plus a healthy amount of protein and vitamin D3
- Social issues including stress, henpecking, or bullying can also lead to soft-shell eggs
- Hot weather is known to have an impact on the laying process (not an issue during autumn, of course!) .
Helping a hen who has laid a soft shell egg
In some cases, the shell might break inside the hen just before laying; this can result in shell fragments being retained and / or a partially laid membrane hanging out of the vent. If you feel confident, make sure your hen is relaxed then very gently tease the fragments out.
As you very gently pull a millimeter at a time, your hen will realise you are trying to help and pulse her vent muscles to help excrete the fragments. If there is resistance when you pull, or any blood is seen, stop immediately and contact a vet. On successful removal, your hen should bounce back and feel better almost immediately.
How to combat soft shell eggs in hens
Our hard-working hens often go through a molt or partial molt in autumn to get their feathering in tip-top shape for winter. To grow these new feathers, they need to divert calcium away from egg production and, as a result, shell quality suffers. Each egg requires roughly four grams of calcium to produce, and hens will only have a reserve of 40 grams in their skeleton.
To help your hens through this period avoid giving them too many treats and stick to high calcium and good quality layer feed. You may also want to use liquid calcium supplements like "Agrivite Enhance Feather shell n Bone" which is easily administered in drinking water and quickly absorbed by your hens.
Molting hens in autumn
For any first-time hen owners, seeing your flock molting can be quite alarming. But don’t worry; though your yard or coop may be awash with feathers, this is perfectly normal during the autumn months. Your hens, and indeed any cockerels you may have, are just preparing for winter with a fresh set of feathers. As noted above, this may impact their egg laying, as energy and nutrients are directed towards the molt.
Just as you would with soft-shell egg issues, continue to provide a balanced diet with healthy levels of protein and calcium to help your hens [and cockerels].
Pin feathers coming through on a molting hen Coop maintenance and care
Coop maintenance should be an ongoing priority, so always be on the look out for any holes or weaknesses in your fencing and coops. With autumn and winter comes not only intensified weather, but also pests and predators.
You may wish to reinforce some areas of your hen’s home to combat these issues, while also ensuring that the inside is clean and comfortable for all the feathery occupants. With the nights growing longer and the temperature dropping, it’s more important than ever that your hens are as comfortable and safe as possible.