Guide To Happy Healthy Hens
chickens must be fed properly to perform and be healthy. even though our great grand parents may have fed their flocks potatoes peels and cracked corn, advances in science and poultry nutritionists have proved that backyard chickens need much more nutrition to live a longer healthier life and to produce nutritious eggs. Chickens at different stages of life need different types of feed.
Day old chicks through to 8 weeks of age should be feed on a chick starter crumble.
from eight to sixteen weeks they should be on Chick Grow pallets.
From point of lay forward they should be fed Peak Layer Pallets.
Layer pallets contain calcium that laying hens need for egg shell production.
The ingredients in quality prepared chicken feed are carefully created by poultry nutritionist's to ensure that the correct balance of a chickens daily nutrient requirements are met.
Treats/Snacks - (even healthy foods) replace a portion of those essential dietary requirements to some degree. Excessive treats , even healthy ones, can cause the following:
Obesity, reduced egg production, malformed eggs, vent prolapse, protein deficiencies, feather picking , fatty liver syndrome, increased risk of heat stroke and heart problems.
Treats should not compromise more than 5% of a flocks daily diet intake.
Meal Worms Make for a great small treat to give your chooks and will love you for it! no more than a small handful per bird per day.
Providing clean , fresh water is a must at all times. this sounds like common sense but most backyard chickens drink from waterers containing their own fecal matter , bacteria and other organisms that can make them sick.
The solution to dirty water is Nipple Drinkers.
Nipple drinkers have been used successfully across the globe on billions of chickens. the professional farmers across the world have made nipple drinkers the standard for all chickens...the disease reduction is so impressive that there is clearly no doubt which system is better.
A clean dry coop is a healthy coop!
chickens have sensitive respiratory systems that are easily irritated by mold and ammonia from accumulated poop. clean coops are less likely to house mites and lice. Never keep food or water inside the chicken coop.
A wet environment created by piled up poop or spilled water , provides a breeding ground for coccidia and other harmful organisms to flourish. Coccidiosis is an internal disease that can rapidly kill chickens if it goes undetected or untreated.
ways to Ensure a clean coop: removing droppings regularly, never keep food or water inside the coop, using wood shavings or sand as ground cover in the run, keeping water foul and chickens separately.
yes, you read that correctly.The first sign of potential health problems will often be found in the chickens poop. knowing which poop is normal and which is abnormal is an extremely useful tool in assessing chickens health. putting a dropping board under the roost provides a way to regularly check abnormalities unobscured by shavings or other bed material.

- Feathers – If a chicken is missing more than a few feathers, this could be a sign that the hen is being bullied by other members of the flock)
- Gait - ensure that chickens are walking normally and not limping to one side or showing signs of lethargy
- Eyes - A healthy chook will have clear eyes that are free from discharge
- Crop - The crop is an organ that sits just inside the chest of a chicken. If you feel a large, squishy mass, it could be a sign that it is impacted and is suffering from a fungal infection known as 'sour crop.'
- Comb - The comb should be firm.
- Legs and feet - Ensure that the feet and legs are smooth and free from scales.