Uses: Originally utility: eggs / meat now exhibition.
Eggs: 150 – 200 small, tinted.
Origin: China.
Weight: Cock: 4.5 – 5.1Kg, Hen: 4.1 – 5Kg.
Colours: Black, Blue, Buff, Cuckoo, Partridge & Grouse, White.
Useful to Know: There are no Cochin bantams in the UK, they are classified as Pekin Bantams. Cochins are docile and friendly, large birds that are slow to mature. A reasonable layer of small eggs (despite their large size) and a good broody. Keep birds in covered runs and out of mud during wet weather to prevent spoiling their feathered feet.
Cochin chickens were originally imported into the UK from Cochin-China, a French Colony that is present day Vietnam around 1843. They are in fact unrelated to the birds we know as Cochins today and all they left was their name. They were large birds with feathered feet.
In 1847, some large feather legged birds were imported from Shanghai. Poultry keepers were used to calling these large feathered legged birds from Asia Cochins or China-Cochins and this was how they became named, even though they were technically unrelated to the original Cochins that were imported.
The Cochin Bantam came from a different place (Peking) in China and was really quite different to their larger counterparts. In the UK was renamed to the Pekin Bantam after much debate over many years.