What is a Dust Bath and why they are important?

What is a Dust Bath and why they are important?

Feb 03, 2023angelique van zuylen

What is a dust bath?

When chickens start to feel Dirty they will dig a shallow ditch (in soil, mulch, sand, or other dry, loose materials), in which they will burrow and throw the dirt over themselves. They will do this until the dirt has coated their feathers and is settled down to their skin- where it is believed to absorb excess moisture and oil, and clog the breathing pores of parasites that may have found their way onto your chicken. They will then stand up and shake out all the dirt then proceed to preen themselves before getting on with their usual chicken business.


Why are they so important?

its a way of keeping themselves clean, it just happens to be a more distinct, and quite frankly, odd way of doing so. It also acts as a natural insecticide and helps to keep parasites and other nasty creepy crawlies at bay, so it is important for their health! Dust bathing is also a relaxing and even social pastime for chickens. You will often catch your flock bathing together.

How to provide dust baths

If your chickens are confined to a coop, or their run is all grass and minimal dust, you will need to provide your girls with an adequate space where they can happily dust bath. Make sure you choose a nice dry and sunny spot- your girls prefer to perform this activity in the sun, especially in winter. There are a number of materials besides dust and dirt that you can add to the dust bathing area to make it a little more enticing for your girls.

Wood Ash

This is a very welcome addition to your dust bath, although be sure to only use wood fireplace ash- not wood that may have had lighter fluid or other chemicals come in contact with it. Not only does it add some extra loose material to the dust bath, but charcoal wood ash actually contains Vitamin K, calcium and magnesium, and absorbs toxins, so will provide medicinal benefits for your girls. So don’t be alarmed if your girls nibble and peck at it as they bathe- it will do them a world of good!

Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade)

While some backyard chickens keepers refrain from using  (DE) due to believed possible health risks for humans, it’s ability to kill mites, lice, fleas, ticks and other parasites make it a great additive to your dust bath- especially if your flock is struggling with a parasite problem. It is important to be cautious when handling DE, as it can become a lung irritant if inhaled, so be sure to wear a mask when applying it to the dust bath area.


A fine sand is the number one dust bath ingredient! It is great for cleaning feathers, and also assists with killing parasites such as mites, lice and fleas. Your girls will love squirming about among its grainy texture- relishing all it’s goodness!


There are a number of herbs that are beneficial to your chickens health, so dried herbs sprinkled in their dust bath area can help to harness these health benefits. Dried lavender, rosemary and mint are all natural insecticides, so will help to prevent pesky parasites. thyme and rosemary are great anti-inflammatories, so will promote a healthy respiratory system. There are a number of different herbs you can add to the dust bath and coop that assist with different ailments.

Despite how much effort you put in for your girls, they will choose to bathe where they want to, not always where you want them to- especially if they are in a free range environment. So be prepared to have them shun the delightful bath you spent so long lovingly preparing!

Dust Bath Maintenance

If you have set up a specific dust bathing area for your flock, you need to make sure that the area is maintained so it can serve it’s purpose of keeping your girls squeaky clean! Clean out bird droppings regularly, and completely refresh the contents every few weeks.

Below are some great DIY examples of dust baths you can make at home.

Ideas for winter to keep dry 

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