Coxiprol Solution 1 Litre
A Must Have for the First Aid Cabinet.
Coxiprol is an effective treatment against the major strains of Coccidiosis that can infect poultry and turkeys.
How do you know if Cocci is present?
Are your chooks lifeless, sleepy, have runny droppings, or off their food and drink, maybe fluffed up, pale combs or blood in their droppings? These are some of the signs of Coccidiosis and can be fatal. Adult Chickens can also suffer with Coccidiosis during stressful times, moult and generally when their immunity is down.
Coccidiosis is a parasite that lives in the soil that can affect all poultry, including newly introduced birds and particularly juvenile chicks.
To treat simply add Coxiprol to your chickens drinking water. For a period of 5 to 7 days at a rate of 20 ml per 10 litres of drinking water. A follow up treatment is recommended at approximately 1/2 this dosage for a further 5 to 10 days. Please ensure you carefully follow the instructions on the bottle.
Note: Stockmans Friend, Natural Animal Health Elixir (AHE) makes a great addition to your First Aid Kit for your chooks, a great way to give their immunity a boost to avoid illnesses.