Where To Buy
Want to find out where you can buy our products from retail stores? Check this handy map and click on the location nearest to you for more information.
If you own a feed store or pet store and are interested in being a stockist for Chook Manor product, please contact us here with details.
Note: Click on the the arrow nearest to your location for the stockists contact details
North Island Stockists
Feather'nDown - 1955 State Highway 14, Wheki Valley, Whangarei.
Northern Hylines & Poultry Products - 77 Whangaripo Valley Road, Wellsford.
The Chookyard - 53 Reid Rd, Glenbrook, Auckland.
Hamilton Heritage Hens - 46 Raynes Road, Rukuhia, Hamilton.
Mokoia Market - 90 Ninia Road, Paraite, New Plymouth.
Tweeters & Friends - 1565 State Highway 3, Awahuri, Palmerston North.
Rural Trading Post, 15 Paekakariki Hill Road, Porirua.
Rural Trading Post, 2/2 Jupiter Grove, Trentham. Upper Hutt.
South Island Stockists
Appletons Animal Housing & Poultry Supplies - 270 Mount Heslington Rd, Brightwater, Nelson.
EA & SJ Wratt Ltd - 5392 State Highway 1, Seddon, Marlborough.
Paroa Stock Feeds - 79 Rutherglen Road, Paroa, Greymouth.
Warren Equine Limited - 997B Robinsons Road, Rolleston.
Couplands Stockfeed Ltd - 26 High Street, Parkside, Timaru.
Hatch & Dispatch Poultry, 13 Inverary Street, Waikouaiti.