Hotline Poultry 25m Fence Set
25 metre green fence set complete with 9 posts, 13 ground pins, 4 corner guys + repair kit.
*Suitable for general use with poultry without energizer or can be electrified if required. Also suitable for other livestock when energized.
Poultry Netting is the ideal option for those keeping a small number of birds in a domestic or rural lifestyle block setting, preferring a solution which can be moved easily and has a low visual impact.
Hotline poultry netting has integral posts plus with the option of adding a gate allowing a small section of net to be hinged out for access (optional gates are no longer available).
The net is manufactured from polyurethane with metal filaments running through the horizontal strands (apart from the bottom base line). All this is mounted on PVC posts.
To charge the net, an energiser is connected to the net and to the ground via an earth stake. This forms an open circuit. When an animal meets the net and ground it completes the circuit and gets a shock. Therefore, the net itself does not need to be erected in a loop and can be erected in a straight line if required.
The optional energiser produces a high voltage pulse approximately once every second. Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Ferrets like most animals, investigate unfamiliar additions to their environment and it is at this point the shock is delivered. Although the net is not of insurmountable height, once the animal has been shocked the net will be a sufficient enough psychological barrier that the animal will be unlikely to attempt a breech.
How it works? - As the live lines of poultry netting are very close to the ground, they are susceptible to leakage. This is where undergrowth completes the loop and draws power from the fence to ground. We recommend a minimum of 3,500v on your fence to provide an effective deterrent. The higher the joule rating on your energiser the greater level of leakage your system will cope with and maintain an effective voltage. The bottom line is not live, but all other horizontal lines are. The key is trying to keep the live ones clear of any external contacts. This can be difficult on undulating ground as your bottom line is effectively covering a shorter linear distance to the top line which causes the net to sag. You may need to add extra posts and/or corner posts to achieve better tension.
In some cases, keeping the lowest live line free from vegetation is impossible and isolation from the live matrix may be needed. This is achieved by simply cutting the line at the first and last post. You can reconnect if needed by using the ferrules in the supplied repair kit.