The Benefits of Having a Automatic Coop Door opener!

The Benefits of Having a Automatic Coop Door opener!

May 28, 2024angelique van zuylen

If you're a chicken owner you know the struggle of having to constantly open and close the coop door every day. It can be tiring especially when you have other responsibilities to attend to. However, did you know that there's a solution to this problem?

An automatic coop door opener can be a game-changer for both you and your feathered friends. Not only does it save you time and energy but it also provides a safer environment for your chickens.

Let's dive into the benefits and features of an automatic coop door opener for your chicken coop. From increased security to improved convenience we'll explore why your chickens will love it and how it can make your life as a chicken owner easier. 


Benefits of an Automatic Coop Door Opener

  1. Eliminates the need for manual opening and closing
  2. You can set specific time for the door to open and close
  3. Light sensor so it opens and closes with the daylight hours
  4. Provides a safer environment for your chickens
  5. It can improve the health of your chickens

    It eliminates the need for manual opening and closing of the coop door.
    With an automatic door you can set a specific time for the door to open and close so you don't have to worry about it every day. 

    Manual opening and closing of the coop door can allow predators such as ferrets, stoats, hedgehogs and rats which can harm your chickens to enter the coop if you forget to close the door or close the door too late in the evening. An automatic door ensures that your chickens are secure and safe inside the coop especially at night when predators are most active.

    An automatic coop door opener can improve the health of your chickens. Chickens need natural light to regulate their internal clocks, and an automatic door can provide them with just that. With an automatic door your chickens can wake up with the sunrise and sleep with the sunset, which can improve their overall health and well-being and enables their natural free-range instincts.

How automatic coop doors can improve chicken safety and health.

Firstly they provide a consistent schedule for your chickens which can improve their overall health and well-being. Chickens need a regular sleep cycle and an automatic door can provide them with a natural sleep schedule uninhibited by fear of predators entering the coop.

Secondly automatic doors can prevent predators from entering the coop. Manual opening and closing of the coop door can be undependable and allow predators to enter the coop which can harm your chickens. With an automatic door, predators are less likely to detect the presence of your chickens which can keep them safe.

Lastly automatic doors can prevent your chickens from escaping and getting lost. Chickens are curious creatures and can wander off if given the chance. An automatic door ensures that your chickens stay inside the coop at night, preventing them from getting lost or injured.

Choosing the right door for you 

When choosing an automatic chicken door it's important to consider the size of your coop and the number of chickens you have. The door should be large enough to accommodate your chickens and the opening and closing mechanism should be smooth and quiet to prevent startling your chickens.

Additionally, consider the power source of the automatic door. Some doors are powered by batteries or solar power. Choose a power source that is convenient for you and your location.


An automatic chicken door can be a game-changer for both you and your feathered friends. Not only does it save you time and energy but it also provides a safer environment for your chickens.

Automatic Coop Door Openers

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